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VW OEM RVC Retrofit
Total Time Required: 2 days
The official Rear View Camera Badge, which will be called RVC for short, can be installed exclusively in Volkswagen cars.
Retrofit folding mirrors and illuminated reflectors
Total Time Required: 6 Hours
Folding mirrors are part of the Lights & Sights package as an extra choice when buying a new VAG Group car.
VW Lights & Sights Retrofit
Total Time Required: 12 Hours
In this DIY, we present you the installation of lights and sights package in a VW EOS car. The retrofit of auto-folding mirrors is described in another DIY due to cost, time and difficulty.
Presentation of Bluetooth Fiscon Plus by Kufatec
It is considered better than the factory bluetooth, as it provides extra features, supports more phones and accepts upgrades to its software.
RNS-510 presentation
Installation of Bluetooth Fiscon Plus by Kufatec
Total Time Required: 3 Hours
This DIY article shows step by step the installation of the microphone, the clamshell auxiliary buttons and the fiscon basic-plus bluetooth as well as the activation of the RNS-510 voice commands.
RNS Voice Control
Upgrade to RNS-510
Total Time Required: 1 1/2 Hours
If you are currently searching to upgrade your car head unit, RNS-510 is one of the top solutions for you and the retrofit is almost plug-n-play.